Nowadays, there are cards for everything. As well as bank cards, there are gym membership cards, library cards, gift cards, ID cards – the list goes on. The reason behind this is that plastic cards are hard wearing and durable, and will even survive a spin in the washing machine, unlike its paper predecessor.
However, with so many cards clogging up wallets and purses, it is easy to take them out and forget about them. So, what is the point of having them in the first place? Many companies now are starting to use key fobs rather than credit card size membership cards. Gyms especially, have embraced the key fob idea, realizing that people don’t want to be carrying a wallet around the gym with them, but a bunch of keys is much easier and something they’ll usually have on them anyway. Many shops and supermarkets have also taken to using key fobs reasoning that people are more likely to have their house and/or car keys with them and therefore their membership card. Women are well known for swapping purses and handbags, so it is no surprise that card printers made it possible to put designs on a much smaller, portable item.
Key fobs are made in the same way as a normal card. You choose your own design, thickness and other embellishments, and then the clever card printing staff at Digital ID will produce your card to your exact requirements. In just ten days, your company will be able to being giving the key fobs out to customers to make yours and their lives just a little bit easier!